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Sweet morning like this. A newly opened bakery & cafe in Central Hollywood Road, with eye-catching navy blue store front and the bursts of buttery bread aroma. 中環荷李活道新開的烘焙麵包店,漂亮的Navy blue store front非常奪目。陣陣的牛油麵包香門外已可聞到,那是一種神奇的味道,是讓人雙腳自動走進店內的吸引香氣。法國師傅主理的bakery — Sourdough, Croissant, Pain Au Chocolat, Cinnamon Roll…傳統而吸引的pastries,一個胃怎夠用?點了一個Espresso Cinnamon Roll,很鬆軟很鬆軟!店子的special coffee — Super Dirty是在Espresso上加上凍奶再加上Espresso,造成的三漸層咖啡。House blend用上Ethiopia +Honduras +El Salvador的中烘焙豆,巧克力和甜棗味很突出。
A newly opened bakery & cafe in Central Hollywood Road, with eye-catching navy blue store front and the bursts of buttery bread aroma.
中環荷李活道新開的烘焙麵包店,漂亮的Navy blue store front非常奪目。
法國師傅主理的bakery — Sourdough, Croissant, Pain Au Chocolat, Cinnamon Roll…
點了一個Espresso Cinnamon Roll,很鬆軟很鬆軟!店子的special coffee — Super Dirty是在Espresso上加上凍奶再加上Espresso,造成的三漸層咖啡。House blend用上Ethiopia +Honduras +El Salvador的中烘焙豆,巧克力和甜棗味很突出。
Super dirty + espresso cinnamon roll
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P.s. 這裡的店員全部都年輕愛笑健談。就這樣渡過了一個超愉快的sweet morning。