港鐵西營盤站 B2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (46)
It doesn’t worth $7k + for 8 persona and we had a Very bad dining experience. I was only told the dining time limit would be 2 hour on the same day. The website and “sevenrooms” both did not stress the 2 hr time limit, which was quite annoying when our purpose was to celebrate a birthday event. I was totally surprised by this as it was not mentioned in the confirmation email. The most annoying point is we are only offered to order from their 6-course tasting menu, but at the same we only have 2 hour to eat all 6 courses. This whole thing is not working. In terms of food, they were not super impressive and just hit the bar. Another thing about this restaurant is they offered sharing dishes but I have not eaten a tasting menu which courses are not served individually. We felt so hurried that we didn’t really get to savor each dish. When the 2 hr mark approached, the lady manager just wanted to clear our table and we were not even allowed to eat our birthday cake. The whole experience felt rushed and confusing, rather than leisurely celebrating the dinner we envisioned, and even being kicked out of the restaurant. No more next time and only try if you dare to rush and swallow food. 2 HR TIME MARK FOR TASTING MENU DOES NOT WORK! SERVICE SUCKS !Oh there’s one more point to add, the wine pairing was totally unworthy. The wine didn’t go with the dishes and the critical point was they didn’t change the glass before pouring your next wine. This was a totally unacceptable wine etiquette? 繼續閱讀
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呢間真係bookmark咗好耐 佢個位置少kick所以一路未去之前住緊hall咁近都因為要行斜路而每次都放棄😂但翻到大西北住又會掛住翻港島啲斜路🫠所以嗰日的起心肝行去嗰頭 walk in試下 好彩有位!𝟲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗲𝗻𝘂($𝟱𝟱𝟬𝗽𝗽)🤍𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗳’𝘀 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟴/𝟭𝟬我估starter應該係會比較常換 所以冇直接寫落menu到呢日係帶子刺身配椰菜花purée 仲有啲石榴粒估唔到又幾夾 椰菜花嘅清新幾襯托到帶子嘅鮮甜🤍𝗠𝗶𝘀𝗼 V𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟳.𝟱/𝟭𝟬似搽咗麵豉嘅broccolini再拎去烤 鹹度啱啱好Tuna Tataki正正常常 有塊鷹嘴豆餅就唔太識欣賞😵‍💫醬汁係芫茜同腰果打成 同吞拿魚幾夾 放心芫茜味唔出😂🤍𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗸𝗲 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗮𝗱 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟳/𝟭𝟬初時食我以為係雅枝竹 但查完先知個中文叫菊芋😂仲有啲椰菜 核桃 無花果 同Ricotta Cheese整體調味唔太重 食材配搭都幾特別但個人唔太鍾意核桃陣苦味 同Ricotta存在感唔高🤍𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗮𝗶 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴:𝟳.𝟴/𝟭𝟬好特別嘅食法 到底係點樣諗到😂將唔同海鮮組合以甘鯛做主角 魚嘅脂香唔多 但就鮮甜 肉質稠密外面搽上一層蟹膏 再用卷心菜包住個汁飲落似龍蝦湯 係三種唔同嘅鮮味結合埋一齊味道方面超級有層次 但口感扣少少分 菜包住魚口感唔太夾🤍𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗥𝗶𝗯 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟴.𝟱/𝟭𝟬今餐飯嘅MVP 連唔鍾意食肥肉嘅男朋友都讚!油脂唔算太多 但肉質超嫩 有慢煮嘅口感底有啲risotto墊住 口感煙韌 醬汁又係估佢唔到係花生醬+蝦醬嘅結合! 用海鮮嘅醬襯落肉類個人覺得好大膽但出嚟又真係幾驚喜 而且嗰陣咁飽都唔覺得佢濟🤍𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗻 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗣𝘂𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 | 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝟴/𝟭𝟬甜品嘅配搭算係最少驚喜 最正路 但都好食麵包布甸嘅斑蘭味都幾出 口感幾扎實 上面有啲toasted coconut 再淋上咖央醬 整體甜度可以 餐廳好似每個月都會轉menu 幾欣賞廚師喺食材配搭嘅用心都真係喺呢啲小酒館先食到嘅味道嚟 但有樣嘢想講食物嘅份量我覺得係好夠飽 但presentation真係唔太好連加一都成$600一位 但所有嘢都係得一碟share食觀感上覺得冇咁抵😂同相信再多兩個人食起上嚟會唔方便 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2024-04-23
2081 瀏覽
今次係第一次去! 總括而言,我認為是被騙(廣東話叫俾人搵笨)!一同九人去 Farewell Dinner, 本應是一個很愉快的體驗! 我們是星期一夜晚8:15進入,而我們特定人數只可以訂取 「Chef Tasting Menu」 五道菜成為港幣$530 + 10% 首先五道菜用咗兩小時上齊,而且由第一道菜到甜品都係每三個人分享一碟! 我哋見到隔籬枱有麵包,我哋都有借問可否要麵包,好可惜只有a La Cart Menu才可以有! 可能大家都好奇點解仲要食麵包? 但我好簡單, 就係食完都仲餓過未入嚟之前! 整體而言, 我認為佢哋想做一個 casual fine dining 氣氛,但我認為整體為失敗!食物味道還可以,但大部份餐廳在這個價位容易整到這個質素!除非你係饑饉30如果你係絕對唔會飽! 三個人一齊切同一碟菜,唔知以為你去緊茶樓飲宴, 但起碼茶樓飲宴你都會食得飽。 我哋叫咗兩支酒,每支酒大概$500港幣! 佢哋仲要預訂時,仲要俾Deposit! 去完呢間餐廳我深深明白到為何香港人每個週末都要上深圳消費! 呢次係我第一次寫Review,深刻體會到俾人搵笨的感覺!This is my first time going! Overall, I feel like I was deceived (in Cantonese, "being made fun of")! Nine of us went to the Farewell Dinner, which was supposed to be a pleasant experience! We entered at 8:15 on Monday night, and for our specific group size, we could only order the "Chef Tasting Menu" consisting of five courses, which cost HKD $530 + 10%.First of all, the five courses took two hours to be served, and from the first course to the dessert, they were meant to be shared by every three people! We saw bread on the neighboring table and we asked if we could have some, but unfortunately, it was only available with the a la carte menu! Maybe everyone is curious why we wanted bread? Well, it's simple. We were still hungry after finishing the courses and before coming in!Overall, I think they wanted to create a casual fine dining atmosphere, but in my opinion, it was a failure! The taste of the food was okay, but most restaurants at this price range can achieve that quality easily! Unless you wanna starve yourself, you won't be satisfied! Sharing one dish among three people made me feel like I was at a dim sum restaurant, but at least at a dim sum restaurant, you can eat will be full.We ordered two bottles of wine, each costing around HKD $500! And they even required a deposit when making the reservation! After dining at this restaurant, I deeply understand why Hong Kong people go to Shenzhen for shopping every weekend! This is my first time writing a review, and I truly experienced the feeling of being taken advantage of! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-02
2525 瀏覽
依間小酒館唔少朋友反應兩極 決定都係自己試吓 原來11月有新head chef 嘅加入✨ 轉咗新menu  個人覺得d菜式有心思又有驚喜🥰  必叫嘅喺TAHINI SCALLOP‼️ 晶瑩嘅帶子配上香濃嘅tahini汁撈埋幼滑嘅椰菜花蓉 仲有微酸脆口嘅石榴籽 頗有層次嘅一道開胃菜😚  ps最估唔到喺度遇見菲律賓嘅珍貴手工海鹽Asin Tibuok🥥 其已被Slow Food嘅Ark of Taste列入瀕危傳統食物 製作非常耗時而加亦好少見 多數只會係高級餐廳見到😮  📸 1️⃣ PORK TENDERLOIN/ UMESHU GRAVY/ BRAISED ENDIVE (HK$228) 2️⃣ HAMACHI 'KILAWIN' CARPACCIO/ TOSAKA/ CANDIED CHILI (HK$158) 3️⃣ TAHINI SCALLOP/ CAULIFLOWER/ POMEGRANATE (HK$148) 4️⃣ MEDITERRANEAN OCTOPUS/ WALNUT GLAZED SQUASH/ SHISO (HK$288) 5️⃣ SUNCHOKE/ FIGS/ WALNUTS/ HERBED-COFFEE RICOTTA/ GREENS (HK$128) 6️⃣ PRAWN TOAST/ GINGER JAM/ CURRY MAYO (HK$48/1) 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-08-19
2560 瀏覽
What do you eat when you dine with a Chef???!!! 🤔🤔 Pretty difficult~ At the same time we were very picky ourselves too haha 🤣 Really there is no going back when you’ve had better meals. You would really compare with food that you’ve had before. Especially if you know how to cook things!! Like tonight, we really can cook those stuff better at home ourselves I think 😂😂 Chef asked us to pick a restaurant so I just picked something that was on my list before. Brut!… was quite disappointing. Have bookmarked this place for a long time. Never had the chance to visit yet. Finally went to try it and it was a disappointment. We had the tasting menu, most of the dishes weren’t up to standard. Especially if they are trying to be a little fine dine style kind?! Plating was bad (we think we could plate better at home even haha) & it was the first time for me to experience no change of wine glasses when pouring the next wine for the wine pairing 😱 We were quite shocked haha lol. Very unprofessional 😅 The choice of wines weren’t all good too. The first dish surprised me already, the scallop crudo the scallop was like not fresh kind of taste. Salmon roe was too soft in texture. Not the usual where the first bite gives you a type of freshness & sweetness taste. Wasn’t really flavourful ~ I think they have a problem with getting their sauces right? Sauces are very important in a dish. It could make a dish stand out. The Sunchoke salad had a strong smoked flavour which overpowered everything. Couldn’t really taste much of the ingredients included in the salad. Seafood stuffed long peppers were the worst, the so called mashed seafood was very soft & mushy and didn’t have much taste to it. It also kept falling off the long peppers. The long peppers were quite raw. Could have grilled it more. Peanut chilli crumb??? Couldn’t taste the chilli and didn’t have much taste to it too. Local sea bass??!! What plating is that?? Really strange looking and the fish was sliced quite ugly. Overcooked the fish too. The beans were quite raw as well. The rump steak was ok but not much flavour, at least not over cooked I guess. Overall dishes weren’t flavourful, quite bland on certain ingredients too. Could have put more heart into the cooking. Tasting Menu:Scallop CrudoCeltuce, kaffir lime “salsa verde”Sunchoke SaladFig dressing, walnuts, smoked ricotta Seafood Stuffed Long Peppers Peanut Chilli Crumb Local Sea bass Cannellini bean, chorizo, white ponzuRump Steak Calamansi-soy glaze, onion soubise, roasted garlic 5 glasses of wine pairing 繼續閱讀
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