港鐵灣仔站 A3 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
10:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00
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食評 (9)
等級4 2022-05-18
1267 瀏覽
之前偶爾經過呢間咖啡店已經留下好深刻印象,黑白色調嘅咖啡店位於灣仔北帝廟旁邊,嗰種中西合璧、新舊融和嘅畫面感覺好和諧,今日飯後特意嚟試一試佢嘅咖啡同感受一下呢種氛圍咖啡店室外同室內都有座位可供堂食,室內有開放式廚房,廚房亦可供租借,設備同空間感都好充足,樓底極高同時有啲輕音樂,環境好舒適。就算係室外,因為位處內街都唔會車水馬龍咖啡只有一個size,latte嚟到都幾大杯,仲有靚靚拉花,咖啡有種好香嘅果酸味同偏nutty,輕輕鬆鬆就過咗兩個鐘頭了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-10-17
2061 瀏覽
今次我又專登揀d少人coffee shop幫襯,呢間位置都幾隱蔽,係文武廟隔離一入到去有一張好大既workshop木枱,後面就係一個好大既open kitchen,原來個廚房係可以出租架,workshop木枱呢邊就係用作coffee shop,都幾特別Flat White 奶都幾rich 幾香滑,咖啡味道偏苦,我鍾意Sourdough toast with smoked salmon, poached egg & salad賣相一般,味道就不過不失Carbonara 比較乾身,不是好creamy個款carbonara,味道唔夠濃郁因為coffee shop係半出租既用途,所以張枱都有點亂,牆架都放滿了用具,唔同客人既東西,後面既open kitchen因為有人使用中,四周都好多雜物亂放,感覺有d唔衛生,坐得唔係太舒服 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-05-15
1527 瀏覽
最近,朋友介紹咗一間新嘅coffee shop~到週末,就去試吓!呢間coffee shop位於條橫巷,都幾僻靜,座位唔多,適合2-3人小聚。最正嘅係佢可以坐outdoor,唔洗一堆人逼係同一個密室。好彩我去果日都唔算太熱,仲可以坐外面。(本身係超怕熱)我自己叫咗牛油果bagel + ice latte~個人覺得咖啡幾好飲,牛油果bagel不過不失。放假同2-3個朋友chill下,都係唔錯嘅選擇!*如果坐outdoor可能要有心理準備會俾蚊咬 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2020-03-21
1185 瀏覽
有日灣仔拜神攝太歲,拜完神餓餓地,點知正正隔離就有間cafe, chill到咁,立即坐低啦。我地坐到門口位係更加舒時間可能比較接近晚市,所以剩返既下午茶食物唔多,叫左Avocado Toast同埋一杯flat white ,一杯 Strawberry Kale Smoothie Avocado Toast包好好食,香港平時要食西餐或者去market place 外國小小嘅超級市場先買到/先食到sourdough bread , 牛油果都有大半個,側邊既菜沙律菜有橄欖油同埋醋都好食。整體來講下午茶嘅份量啱啱好。👍🏻Flat white 今日呢杯咖啡果味唔算重,咖啡豆應該係偏苦既,但賣相唔錯😄😄Strawberry Kale Smoothie 諗住健康少少,飲下平時好少飲嘅Kale,但係呢杯有dd酸既,但感覺上係真材實料,飲完好似係更開胃食野咁。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-12-23
1194 瀏覽
I was so excited before my visit to this cafe, because I didn't realise this cafe before and they seem to  serve bagel as well. Bagel was the main reason why I decided to make a visit  there last Saturday, and because of its decoration too, the ambience looked so nice in the pictures. We got there at around 1115 in the morning, and we were the only customers, the cafe was a lot smaller then I expected, only one big share table and one staff operating the cafe. The cafe was well decorated with lots of cups, dishes at the iron cabinet, and there's a big open kitchen at the other side. We picked two toasts which were less costly than the bagels, I ordered a smoke salmon scrambled eggs toast, and my friend had the avocado one. The food was quite a disappointment to be honest, because we got all the wrong orders, my friend's avocado toast came with two extra fried egg which we thought were not supposed to be with the dish, the staff double confirmed us before she made our breakfast, but she still served us with the wrong dish anyhow, and my scrambled eggs became a pouched egg... I just consider maybe the lady that served us that day is a new staff to the cafe.It was a good place to catch up with friends tho. But I don't think I will come again for their food. It's below average for me.  繼續閱讀
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