main dish選擇不少。$79的有Pasta of the day,fish fillet; $88有Sirloin steak, roast chicken, ribeye steak, mushroom risotto, etc. ; $98有Seafood Paella, grilled lamb...我是一個很愛吃飯--risotto, 珍珠米、印尼米.....--基乎所有飯都愛的人(除了泰國香米普普通通吧.... 不過在外國久了還是會想念),故見到menu上的Seafood Paella,我其實未問Pasta of the Day 是什麼都已經決定要選擇它了
DESSERT OF THE DAY是CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH VANILLA ICE-CREAM。蛋糕灑上一層薄薄的糖霜,黑白相襯,蛋糕本身的賣相是吸引的,只是擺碟有點馬虎,只有一片葉伴碟.... 不過那FUDGE CAKE確實出色! 吃得出那層次感--外層鬆軟而中間的朱克力漿又滑又濃又細膩! 入口濕潤,朱古力味極其濃郁。一口暖暖的CAKE配上一口冰涼美味的雪尼拿雪糕吃,正!
This was the worst dining experience I've had in my entire life. It was C's birthday and our group of 12 wanted to throw her a nice birthday dinner. We ended up ordering only a few dishes and left with 12 almost-empty stomachs. We left the restaurant at 8:30pm - without a reservation elsewhere and not knowing where to go. But we just HAD to leave because staying there for one more second would make us lose ALL our appetite. (We finally had a wonderful time at a nearby restaurant but that's anoth
This was the worst dining experience I've had in my entire life.
It was C's birthday and our group of 12 wanted to throw her a nice birthday dinner. We ended up ordering only a few dishes and left with 12 almost-empty stomachs. We left the restaurant at 8:30pm - without a reservation elsewhere and not knowing where to go. But we just HAD to leave because staying there for one more second would make us lose ALL our appetite. (We finally had a wonderful time at a nearby restaurant but that's another story.)
Let's talk about the food at Al Dente. We ordered 3 appetizers:
Caprese - It was decent. The tomatoes were fresh. Fried Calamari - It wasn't bad. The batter could be thinner. Beef Calamari - It was the worst out of the three. The beef was not of top quality and there was not enough olive oil so the dish was rather dry.
Overall, the food wasn't bad, but the service was of the lowest rate - much much worse than the worst cha chaan teng and dai pai dong that one can think of. No, I correct myself - it cannot even be classified as "service". We were insulted and treated with NO respect at all.
Before we left, I asked the manager, "May I have your business card?" He replied, "I don't have one." After a minute or so, he gave me the card of the restaurant. Again, I politely asked, "May I have one with your name on it?" He then replied - bluntly, "I don't have a name."
Yes, he said that.
But he finally had to give me his card. And here it is:
If anyone wants OK Italian food at OK price and at the same time, feels like being mistreated - this is the perfect place to go to.
I called to make a reservation and was told that we needed to make a $500 deposit for a party of 12. We thought that was inconvenient but we obliged and paid the deposit - in person - way ahead of the date of the dinner. On both occasions - making the reservation over the phone and paying the deposit in person - we asked the following questions:
1. What's the corkage fee? - Answer: $150
2. What's the cake cutting fee? - Answer: $100
3. Can any of the above be waived or is there any discount? - Answer: No
When we arrived, we took out our bottle of champagne and was told that for champagne, the corkage would be $300 and even more for Magnum (which was what we had). "But we weren't told when we made the reservation," we said. The manager said, "That's the way it is."
Then we gave them the cake. He asked, "How big is the cake?" We said, "2 lbs." And guess what, we were told that the cake cutting fee had to be $200 because it's a "big" cake.
I went up to the manager who was standing by the cashier. Originally he had a stiff smile on his face. I said to him, "I was the one who made the reservation and there was no mention of any additional charge for bigger bottles or champagnes. Neither was I told that a 2-lb cake would be considered big and the cake cutting fee would go up."
The manager looked at me - with no smile anymore - and said, "Oh they know all that."
"So they just forgot to tell me?" I asked.
He did not reply - and just looked away.
At one point, he talked to a couple - 2 customers sitting at a table not too far from us. After he finished speaking, the 3 of them turned around and looked at us with a sneer on their faces. It was too obvious that the manager was talking negatively about us.
We decided to leave. We asked if there was any minimal charge. The manager said: Just order whatever you need. So we ordered food that just exceeded $500 - the amount which we already paid for - and then asked for the check.
The manager (and now we know his name - MAN ZUR) came over with a black face and asked, very rudely, "Why? Why are you leaving?" We told him why and then asked for his business card - which I already mentioned above.
We can understand forgetfulness. We can understand that people sometimes mistakes. But we cannot tolerate bad attitude and rudeness. Not only did Mr Man Zur fail to treat his customers with basic respect, but he forgot to respect himself and his own profession as well.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
查看之前的留言 ()
One of the managers - Man Zur - at Al Dente in TST
下雨天剪完髮後,一個漫長的毛毛雨、走過寶勒巷已差不多二時,探頭一望始時之 Al Dente 不太多人,便决定入座兼避雨。套餐也很多款式,大致也有七、八款...先來是餐包/同沙津菜...餐包味道平平,不咸也不淡,留力是也再而是沙律菜,紫色的鬼佬生洋荵有少少辣加上我平時不太愛火箭頭菜,混雜著少吃到之沙律漿、味道來得幾特別今次主菜也是我慣常的意大利飯、此店餐牌上是( 雞肉、雜菌、意大利飯)主角上枱嘞...意大利飯,米身煮得比較淋,飯汁煮得杰身,但味道來得淡,雞肉不是取用鮮雞、而是再做雞、即如火腿般,再經處理之肉類,切絲加以煎煮,所以好味與否,則見人見智。餐飲之咖啡、來得濃而帶苦,加上2/3熱奶也無補於事。最後之甜品...朱古力cake加雲利拿雪糕,朱古力cake...(甜中帶咸、無錯,真係甜中帶咸,味蕾再一品嚐下,指示正確無誤,好味與否也很個人,但我只吃下一半。)雲利拿雪糕…倒是穩陣水準。
Al dente Bday weeeeek !!!!生日週之飯局如果比人ruin 左個生日飯局,咁我寧願唔慶祝了!回想起以前,的確真係有人做得出另一半生日,都吳花心思訂位食反,由街頭行到街尾,見到邊間餐廳就是旦中入去,你接受到嘛?!今次就唔同了,起碼被treated as an VIP on that day , 就算係簡簡單單的一頓飯,都食得開心同舒服,禮物都反而是其次 。。首先我好鐘意餐廳裏內的環境,靜靜地,幾舒服!我們叫了1 salad ,1 rissoto ,1 pasta同埋1 dessert 因為佢個dish portion 好合理地正常,所以食完都好full gaaaaa!!!一如以往,有個bread basket 個salad 要左個smoke salmon ,份量好多丫,又有好多料,有my fav.的火箭菜,蜜桃,牛油果,車厘茄,羅馬生菜and cheese etc. so refreshing!!!!! 大蝦海鮮西班牙飯,見到個樣都覺得好好味了!好足料,我鍾意佢個魚柳,有炭燒味ga,可惜生日周食得太滯了,食所以唔落牛牛,如果吳係我一定試果度的炭燒牛牛,我見人地
Al Dente是其中一家在尖沙咀常到的西餐廳,午餐價錢非常合理而且份量十足,連飲品甜點也只是百元上落的價位,而且服務不會愛理不理,中間沒有落場時間,甚至試過一個午餐談了近四小時,也不停加水。而且個人而言幾鍾愛這種有點點昏暗的餐廳,聊起來也覺得較為舒服。沙律份量很大,加上本身的麵包籃,吃罷已半飽,幸好沙律的醋汁夠開胃去迎接豐富的主菜部份。叫了幾款意粉與肉的選擇大家分享,個人最愛Pesto香草醬炒的長通粉,味道濃淡剛好而且分佈得頗平均。魚、雞菜式的份量也不少,就算是伴菜也用了很多種類的瓜菜,性價比實在高,大吃一輪到了Coffee//Tea時間,配上每天精選的甜品+雪糕如Tiramisu/ Banoffie Pie等,也有花過心去裝飾,完全覺得這一餐應該不至這個價錢,而且地點方便,很接近尖東站出入口,以周邊幾間西餐廳作比較的話,個人還是會較愛來這邊,就算晚市都沒有想像中貴,價錢都很合理。雖然灣仔碼頭也有分店,每每由會展步出都想吃,但論環境,這邊較為寧靜而且人流較少,聊多幾句的話,這邊較為適合。
Al Dente是其中一家在尖沙咀常到的西餐廳,午餐價錢非常合理而且份量十足,連飲品甜點也只是百元上落的價位,而且服務不會愛理不理,中間沒有落場時間,甚至試過一個午餐談了近四小時,也不停加水。而且個人而言幾鍾愛這種有點點昏暗的餐廳,聊起來也覺得較為舒服。