港鐵銅鑼灣站 B 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
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11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
10:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
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食評 (28)
等級2 2025-02-14
305 瀏覽
高消費,低質素,完全唔推薦,以為佢係同集團嘅高級版茶樓會好啲吖,點不知只係啲裝修好啲,別對食物質素期望太高,下午茶時段只係某部分點心有六折,同樣消費額度,佢樓下嗰間好過佢好多。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2025-01-17
817 瀏覽
兩個人食晚飯,部長推薦叫阿拉斯加長腳蟹加鹽香雞套餐$428,佢話好抵食,很快蟹便上桌,心想不妙,果然用快死蟹製造,由於沒有壞所以不能退,但極不新鮮,不宜入口,每人只是食了一件,告訴男服務員不能吃,叫他拿走,只是望了一望,沒有問一句便拿去,如果此等質素,實在不宜賣出,第一次亦只好是最後一次。生客熟客可以止步。17/1/2025 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-12-30
1078 瀏覽
今日一家人去做冬,入到去嘅時候問全套黑色衫侍應點解唔可以QR code落單嘅?佢態度好不耐煩咁話睇啱就幫你落單囉。 明明喺網站見到嘅宣傳海報,上邊嘅羊腩煲只係$298。枱面菜單價娈左羊腩煲$398。 我哋又唔係喺房廳食,點解會收$398呢?另外見到隔籬枱有人食長腳蟹,問佢幾錢斤,又係口頭講$298一斤,又係菜單上冇顯示嘅。好啦,一家人做冬唔同你計較,俾你賺多少少都算。點知上長腳蟹嘅時候明明見隔籬枱有待應幫個客拆好成隻蟹。 個待應就話俾我哋聽無拆蟹嘅服務。 我問咁點解隔離又會有得拆呢? 佢態度好差咁話你俾$100拆蟹費咪幫你拆囉。 拿,如果你菜單有寫明,我照比冇問題。又或者你冇寫,但你照幫我拆,我都好樂意$100貼士你。但係你黑口黑面態度好令我懷疑你哋只係偏幫一啲熟客,亦都懷疑你公司係咪真係有呢個收費。咁激氣,梗係唔使你幫我拆啦。我一蚊貼士都唔想俾你。好啦,食食吓,另一個侍應又話d 蟹差唔多食完,不如幫我換隻細碟, 因為廚房嘅蒸蟹碟唔夠用。OK冇問題,但點解個侍應會直接用隻執緊污糟嘅手套拎起啲我未食嘅蟹腳放落去另一隻碟呢?對手套所有污糟嘅嘢都掂過晒,執碟執骨又係佢,呢啲咁基本嘅衛生常識都冇,用隻筷子夾返去另一隻碟好困難咩? 就算你話會留意下次唔會再咁樣對其他客做,其實都唔關我事啦,因為我真係唔敢再嚟幫襯。最後我哋出去樓面埋單,負責埋單個侍應行開咗,我哋等咗一陣另一個侍應走過來又係想埋單,負責埋單嗰個人返嚟竟然完全冇理我哋,直接幫助後面嘅侍應埋單。成餐飯四個人食左二、三千蚊,受啲咁嘅服務態度,真的不了 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
12月24日晚上 聖誕前夕 和老師一起享用 晚餐 我們 預留了一隻 約五斤 的阿拉斯加蟹 店員 May姐姐非常殷勤 陪伴我到 魚池選擇生猛 海鮮 並且安排 非常 妥善 而且 蒸蟹需要25分鐘 服務員 隨後一一端上 order小菜並準備好酒杯給我們使用 每位服務員都非常殷勤面大笑容 服務態度令人感到 舒服 和喜悅 我介紹了很多親戚朋友同事到锺菜館用餐他們都大讚餐厅的小菜 做得非常 精緻美味 每次光顧他的水準 都能保持 一定要大讚他的廚師哥哥 我的朋友都感到他們的 廚藝 水準很高 價錢合理 工作人員態度 很好 我們將會繼續支持 這間餐廳 特別多謝 May姐 和一眾工作人員 令我們有一個愉快的用餐回憶。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-12-03
1009 瀏覽
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Wheelchair | Restroom Cleanliness | Easy Access | Easy Parking🙂 😠 Pet Friendly | Cake Cutting Fee | Corkage FeeThis restaurant is a guangdong style Chinese restaurant with 2 branches - one in Wanchai the other in Pok Fu Lam. The one I went this time is in Wanchai. It is easy to access by different means of transport like tram, bus, minibus etc… MTR is Causeway Bay station Exit B and walk back to Wanchai area for 7-8mins. Parking is available too. There are both stairway and lift to go up to 2/F. The ambience is excellent with chinese style decoration. Service is good … We ordered a set menu with snake soup and shanghai crabs. Price performance is great. Let‘s see the food quality and taste. The snake soup is tasty and hot. But there is so little snake meat I can find. For the crabs, it is a bit small to me but the roe inside is relatively ok. They gave us all female crabs this time. Talking about the other dishes, I like the steamed eel the best, hot and delicious. The roast goose… Hmm I find the meat is not that tender but the skin is crispy with smokey flavor. The other dish I like is the fried sticky rice. It served hot and many ingredients like chinese sausage and pork meat. The dessert with ginger and longan is very nice too… not too sweet and with strong ginger flavor. Many other tables order the King Crabs. The price is very good too. Below $200 per catty. Overall, this restaurant to me is worth to come again. Restaurant is clean and is accessible. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)