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食評 (5)
等級3 2024-12-31
152 瀏覽
今日係除夕2024年的最後一天 .老人家唔會倒數 ,所以同屋企兩老去飲早茶當係慶祝😅總括嚟講食物中規中矩 .最欣賞佢個蒸鯪魚球 ,完全冇腥味 而且好彈牙。 不過蘿蔔糕就有啲失望,冇乜料 亦都冇乜蘿蔔味.不過屋邨酒樓係咁上下🤣埋單只係$117 ,呢個價錢完全冇投訴 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-05-09
1571 瀏覽
飲茶就飲過幾次 晚餐都係第一次食 估唔到出奇地好食喎 價錢優惠 餸菜又大碟抵食好食 最重要係個D員工大部分都好好 有禮貌 又成日換碟好有態度 整體感受都好好 下次都會再嚟 仲要多謝windy幫我訂枱幫我安排得好好 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-04-12
1022 瀏覽
早午市以多款小菜、小食、點心選擇, 食材新鮮熱辣辣👍😋價錢十分經濟, 晚市還很多優惠 ~ 片皮鴨只是$78🤩美極煎海生蝦🦐生炸BB鵨🐣豉蒜炒涼瓜🍲椒鹽魷魚花🦑爆珠多春魚🐡葱花豉汁蒸大鱔飯🐟鹹魚肉餅飯🍲八珍豬腳薑🐷🦶🫚藥膳鳳爪🤌時菜鯪魚球🧆魚肉煎茄子🍆韮菜鮮蝦角🥠鮮蝦菜苗餃🥟黑椒蒸牛肚🐮翡翠鮮蝦腸🌯薑汁雞包仔🧆喜灼西生菜🥬蘿蔔絲煎魚餅🫓香煎蘿蔔糕🧈薑汁千層糕🧆 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2022-12-13
989 瀏覽
Winter Solstice Dinner, table for 11. Cantonese dinner literally means having all the comfort food you grow up on with family, it is a nostalgic type of dinner.Peking duck - the crispiness of the skin was good, and the wrappers were soft and tasty. I only hope there is sweet sauce on the side to put into the wrapper.The lobster on braised noodles was flavourful. The fresh lobster was meaty, firm, and snappy! The noodles were so eggy. Satisfying! For the price of 178, we wanted to order one more portion! Sweet and sour pork is a classic unpretentious Canton dish, the florescent shade of sweet and sour orange sauce glides over the crunchy and tender meat, pineapples, and bell peppers. Thumbs Up! Steamed fish is the mainstay on many HK families' tables. There is a very little window for mistakes when it comes to steaming fish properly. The difference between overcooking and undercooking is 30 seconds. I am always very surprised at how much some Chinese folks are willing to spend on fish at the restaurant. But here, we did not spend a fortune on the delicate fish. The soy sauce was well seasoned and elevated the aroma and flavor of the fish.Mutton pot is a heavy, stodgy type of dish. There is a lot of death in the pot. Mutton, bean curd sheet, mushroom, and bamboo, they were harmonious in one pot! The mutton was cooked beautifully.Braised duck wings were a side dish that earned my extra brownie point. The braised duck wings don’t have much fat, few solid duck meat, so loved by me. The sauce is thin in consistency but well-balanced in flavor.None of the dishes served had that witty kind of spin, but on the same note, none of the dishes came out of place. They were all flavourful, and fresh and it was the whole Canton on my palate. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2022-09-29
945 瀏覽
點心方面已經唔算好好食,價錢又唔算平(不過晚餐時段有d嘢價錢幾實惠),但如果你服務好的話,我覺得可以接受,會去多幾次(因為就腳)最慘依間嘢d阿姐,對眼生係頭殼頂,叫佢哋執枱,一個推一個,又扮睇唔到,成個人企咗係度等執枱等咗差不多十分鐘,完全無人理,係你面前行過都唔理,你話你生意好唔夠人手都話可以理解,但個時一來唔full,二來佢哋仲有時間同熟客傾閒計都唔去幫忙有需要嘅客人...…如果再係咁,完全唔會再想幫襯囉!香港今時今日飲食業已經難做,唔明佢哋有咩底氣仲可以態度咁差,佢哋老闆真係要多得佢哋唔少!(p.s :企樓面嘅知客姐姐係有禮貌嘅) 繼續閱讀
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