港鐵銅鑼灣站 C 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
主打新派越南菜,菜式創新精緻,把不同元素融入越菜中,如加入海膽製作越式小食;而招牌菜則有椒鹽軟殼蟹、生牛湯河粉等。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
現金 八達通
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (123)
等級4 2018-02-26
409 瀏覽
之前已有留意到銅鑼灣開左呢間越南菜,但就一直冇試到,今次終於來試下越南仔店內裝修不錯,以藍白就主,而且樓底高,好有空間感!🌟越式手撕雞清雞湯河粉$55呢個河粉都幾大碗,雖然湯底是清雞湯,但唔會清到冇味,而河粉都好滑👍🏻,個手撕雞亦醃得幾惹味,再上伴炸蒜好好味呢!😋🌟法式芝心蝦多士$33蝦多士是新鮮炸起,上枱熱烘烘的,要小心熱呢,而多士面佈滿芝麻,內裏就釀著蝦膠同芝士,芝士在半融狀態,入口好香口鬆脆,不過如果芝士更濃郁就好啦😝 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2018-02-23
181 瀏覽
從來都冇食個越南餐廳勁多選擇又湯底知粉麵到餸菜都任君選擇眼花撩亂。呢度有好多嘅配搭,直情可以選擇到菜單係冇,而客人可以自創另一個菜式品嚐因為時間關係所以我冇自創菜式湯底,好快手點了平時喜歡食既撈檬。但係我從來冇食過沙嗲燒豬肉的撈檬,超喜歡呢一間餐廳創意無窮。菜式比例合宜,蔬菜配菜多多食得健康,而且口感一流。另外加錢就可以享用小食,我就揀咗我鍾意食嘅春卷香脆可口,炸得好好如果大家嚟銅鑼灣行街或者shopping又想食咗好多創意嘅越南菜式,位於時代廣場旁邊嘅新商場嘅呢一間餐廳就啱晒啦 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-02-17
202 瀏覽
下午茶時間有半價,見咁抵食就入左去食睇到下午茶餐牌都唔貴!必食推介👍🏻法式蝦多士很好味,一食難忘!奶茶唔夠甜、鹹檸七好味(穩陣之選)係附近返工咁耐都睇唔到間咁好既餐廳以後多個好飯堂啦! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-02-05
155 瀏覽
I normally dont write reviews because my time is more valauble then rather write a review.But this is the worst of the worst so iam investing some of my time so that other poeple wont waste their hard earned money on this restaurant.Anyway had a meeting at causewaybay and had to wait a bit.So i went to this restaurant as it look very clean and nicely decorated.I could have ordered the cheap tea set but i went for a fried chicken with garlic sauce and rice with a normal ice tea as i know as an business owner myself i how hard it is to run a restaurant.So a bit of my choice would help them.When i entered the place literally like no hello or greetings or even after i sat down nobody dare to give any attention.WOW!Even in kfc they will greet.LOL.The server threw the ice tea like he was in bowling alley.Errrr.The food came quite fast.The chicken was just a deep fried piece in some kind of generic batter and was bland..tasteless.i could have still eaten with some chilli sauce but behold the garlic sauce.It was so so salty that it felt like salt and water and they threw some raw garlic in it.Just from one bite i felt like a deep headache as i thought may be its authentic vietnamse sauce.If i ate it god knows what will happen to me.I have eaten the same food in other veit restaurants but this is like a torture.Its like you pay money to let someone disrespect and torture you.I tried my best to take out the sauce but unfortunately it was all over the place.So iam so sad that i couldnt eat it.Its hard to explain in this review that how bad it really was.Poeple go to restaurants to have a better food than they can cook at home.But even a kid can cook better than this.Luckly the rice was good.You know why because it must cooked by the wonderful mr.ricecooker!I usually never complain and ask to change the dishes.I just paid and left.Suprisingly nobody dare to even itch to know what was wrong.May be they are blind.On top of that they also added service charge.I got zero value from this place and the only way to survive is to provide more value than you preach.Dear owner if you are reading this then please change your staff or management before it gets too late.Dont lose your investment.ps.You dont show up in google maps.Do some seo. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2018-01-31
122 瀏覽
had dinner with colleage today and meals arent nice. inconsistent quality as both of us ordered the same thing and my colleague's pho was missing an egg. the broth was tasteless. We also overheard the table next to us was complaining a wrong drink was made and delivered. the waitress tasted a customer's drink to tell if the drink was wrong or not right in front of the customer. on top of that, the meals is over priced, wouldnt recommend anyone. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)