時薪 (面議)
時薪 (面議)
月薪 (面議)
月薪 (面議)
餐廳: 譚仔雲南米線 (永光中心)



港鐵銅鑼灣站 D4 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (101)
11:30 - 21:45
11:30 - 21:45
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 八達通 銀聯 Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付
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食評 (28)
等級4 2024-05-29
121 瀏覽
今日收工就去咗登龍街,呢一間譚仔買外賣,整體的都唔錯,我就揀咗酸辣湯底,不要芽菜不要韭菜,米線嘅份量就普通,不過整體上都令我幾有驚喜,可能太耐冇食譚仔嘅關係😂😂😂 🔥酸辣湯令人非常開胃,而且加埋腐皮,吸收晒湯底嘅精華,而且米線做得唔係太淋,整體上嘅軟硬度,都控制得非常好,試咗佢嘅酸蘿蔔,酸酸地非常開胃,另外幾鍾意食墨魚丸,非常爽口彈牙,加埋湯底本身酸辣,味道更加好吃。整體嚟講呢一個價錢我覺得都可以接受,不過中午時間都好多人,大家可以選擇先外賣落單,可以慳返等候時間。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-19
68 瀏覽
晏晝時間都幾多人,今日我哋三個同事嚟食,就叫咗三碗唔同嘅米線同埋雞翼大家share,佢嘅雞翼土匪雞翼,少少辣再加埋黑芝麻喺個面度,非常好食,配上米線係非常夾,我就叫咗蕃茄湯嘅米線,正常味道唔會太鹹,就揀咗雞肉,雞肉就普普通通冇乜特別,不過就幾鍾意食朋友叫咗嘅炸醬,加上米線食,都幾好!好食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟抵食程度(5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟位置 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟服務態度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟🌟衞生程度 (5粒🌟)🌟🌟🌟 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-12-22
214 瀏覽
朋友,今次我試咗譚仔米線喇,唔得嘅,呢個味道真係令我忍唔住要同大家分享下!🍲 我哋點咗個腩肉米線,清清地十小辣,食落湯底有種滋味密密地,腩肉嘅鮮香和恰到好處嘅肥瘦比例,啖啖肉食落嚼勁十足。🥩 然後係雞肉米線,雞肉偏向嫩滑,配上夠勁嘅湯底,汤汁撈埋麵度,啖啖麵都充滿咗雞肉、蔬菜嘅美妙交織。🍜當然,少不了咁經典嘅皮蛋一試。皮蛋上頭滿佈芫茜,食一口嬌嫩嘅流心,簡直係皮蛋界嘅奇跡!加埋少少麻油、辣椒,真係啱啱好,融合腩肉或者雞肉米線,每一啖都令人味蕾大舞。✨呢個體驗真係正宗街味,一啲都唔攞氣,純粹就係好味!同埋掂嘅係,店員服務周到,禮貌又親切,食得開心食得滿足,下次再黎一定會繼續試過,希望你哋都有機會去感受下譚仔嘅地道風味!👍🏼 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-08-03
615 瀏覽
The very popular Tamjai Yunnan Mixian. A huge chain of noodle restaurants found throughout the city has never had tea sets. Where many restaurants in Hong Kong offer tea sets or a discount during tea time, this place never did such a thing. Until now! The tea sets now all come with a drink and there are a variety of options. Menu for the tea sets are in Chinese only. There is no English and no 10% service charge  but there are photos of all the food so it's fairly easy to figure out. The only problem was the rest of the menu. The organization was a bit confusing and took a while to decipher. But basically, you can choose A, B or C from above and match it with either 1. two snacks in soup and a drink, 2. a braised snack and a drink, 3. a fried snack and a drink and 4. just a drink. What makes it confusing is why there are so many different prices? After a lot of thought, it meant the price differences are dependant on if you chose A,B or C. It took us so long to figure out!On the back are more options. These are just a bowl or noodles or noodles and rice with a drink. Snacks are available at a discounted price.Since the front page of the tea menu was too confusing, we just opted for options D and E. Later we realized it wasn't as value for money as choices A,B and C because we didn't get a snack for the same price.This is Set E. The All In Noodle ($46). It had everything from pig intestine to pig liver, beancurd skin, beef ball and fish ball along with beef slices. The portion wasn't any smaller than the regular size.Boyfriend ordered Set D ($40). Choosing two ingredients of fish tofu and fish cake. Portion was not small like the menu listed.This set also came with a bowl of rice with their famous mince meat. Heavy on the tomato flavour and portion again was not small. The pickled cabbage was excellent.Good deals with the drinks if you can figure out the menu. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-03-27
316 瀏覽
雞肉鮮淮山黑蒜清雞湯米線 $43 ❌唔推笑死 以為俾錯第二碗我🤭我已經盡量幫佢還原幅圖🤣不過樣算啦 好味就得 但係!都係唔好食😉准山竟然係爽 我以為係粉!雞扒普通雪藏嗰d 個湯都重蒜味 但無乜雞湯味食完一次唔想再食 唔會encore !今日食lunch 見到新野又想試點知就瀨嘢😉沖擊👀 啱啱食完忍唔住即刻po可能係因為外賣 個樣先唔好啦唯一一樣嘅話就係嗰兩粒黑蒜!真係有🤭有5件甩皮雞到~4塊爽嘅淮山🥕總之就唔會再食thx~食完仲好頸渴 繼續閱讀
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