2736 0803
品牌由1963年創立至今,是經典的港式扒房之一,定價親民。主打不同部位的牛扒,另有供應其他西式料理。 繼續閱讀
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食評 (40)
等級3 2014-02-17
2713 瀏覽
是日補祝情人節,  到了尖沙咀這間花園餐廳食dinner, 一直都有聽過旺角的分店鼠難食, 都怕這次會是中個伏, 上到去環境似茶餐廳, 不料waiter的態度更像...... 女的比較好有禮貌, 但男的卻...... 問他什麼是''蝦王套餐'', 他答 : 咪大蝦囉! , 問他有幾多隻, 他又答 : 一隻大大隻囉! 想要幾多?!但食物方面就可彌補waiter的態度, 我點了鐵板雞 $ 78 連餐湯餐包, 男朋友點了鐵板西冷牛扒 $ 90  連餐湯餐包  上菜速度快, 點了後立即上了餐包(9/10), 十分鬆軟有牛油香味我點了羅宋湯(5/10), 味道一般不如大眾所講的出眾, 男友點了忌廉湯, 我沒試到. 而我的鐵板雞(7.5/10)十分嫩口, 配上黑椒汁, 十分可口!! 但薯條(3/10)就較失色, 可能放在鐵板上使它變''林''了. 而男友的鐵板西冷牛扒(9/10)更是無可匹敵!! 牛靚, 大大件, 牛扒煎得有層次, 切開後看得出顏色分開了三層, 中間的rare part 鮮紅, 日間層的半粉紅, 而最外層的就啡色, 睇得又好味!!  繼續閱讀
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等級1 2013-09-01
767 瀏覽
星期日夜晚去食花園餐廳,侍應態度好,夠主動不過食物質素真係不敢恭維我地叫左兩個西冷牛扒餐,食物上得好快,不過係未飲完湯牛扒就到,所有野兩次上齊重點係個牛扒,韌到無朋友。其實我地已經係叫5成熟架啦,但食左一半已經牙較軟,十足香口膠咁,奮戰一輪都係吞唔到落去要吐返出黎食完埋單同經理呻一呻,佢當聽唔到喎!100蚊價錢65蚊都唔值真係難食到我要開acct告誡大家三思三思,唉好失望呀 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2013-08-12
537 瀏覽
I recently came back from the states and I really miss chinese style steak. The kind that you get on a sizzling plate, where baking soda is used as meat tenderizer and the sauce is so tasty!!So i went to Sweetheart Garden restaurant given that it's well known for its HK style steak.  I ordered Rib-eye steak, medium rare and by the time it came back it was well done.  The steak was NOT tender and it tasted like a frozen steak that was not defrosted propertly.  I chosen the gravy sauce and it lacked flavour.  Of course it came with the usual bread to begin with and borsch or cream of mushroom soup to start, but the steak itself was disspointing.  繼續閱讀
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Want to be given rubbish restaurant service and have to pay for the privilege? Look no further than this crap branch of a well-known and long established Hong Kong styled steak eatery.Scenario.….03/07/2013 evening entered the establishment for dinner. Declined to sit at the furthest remote corner table stating it was hot and there was no air-con (hot weather warning was in force).The waitress shouted at the top of her voice to her male colleague,” they don’t want to sit there, ah”. The equally impolite reply shouted back by a thick-rimmed bespectacled, pink shirted male staff member, “wait outside, la!” Sit there or get out was the message. Talk about not wasting your words and the customer is always right. This wasn’t it.Still we preserved and waited at the front of the restaurant while we perused the menu. When a more amicable table was available, we seated ourselves. No-one was on hand even though I counted 5 waiting staff working that evening.Chose the鐵板西冷牛扒and鐵板豬扒. The soup and bread roll arrived. With the butter knife in hand and still in the process of spreading the butter, a tall long straight haired middle aged waitress asked,” finished with the butter?” Was she over eager to attend to us or just ready to finish her work day. Politely told her to go away empty.The main course arrived and the pink striped shirt waiter was totally displeased about having to serve us (after moaning loudly to his male boss about the situation). He lazily picked up the鐵板西冷牛扒and ‘dropped’ it on our table. I just stared at him in disbelief. If this is the normal style and level of service vented to customers, this place is finished.Where was all this bad mannered service coming from? The impolite, bad and rude service stemmed from the short round rimmed glasses service manager. His staff followed his example and this was observed at their serving other customers.Never experienced anything like it and never eat in this chain again!!Oh, I totally about the food. The 鐵板西冷牛扒was sinewy and tough throughout. The 鐵板豬扒 tasted of salt and grease. Bad food, rubbish service. Enough said!Go at your own risk. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2013-06-17
297 瀏覽
老牌港式扒房,食物質數間間有不同,旺角個間同尖沙咀分別好大,而尖沙咀我地已食過3次,次次水準都好接近。服務 :侍應有禮貌. 個別侍應幾細心。鐵板到時,個加汁女侍應好細心慢慢加落扒與碟之間。食物 :**湯及餐包**羅宋湯 - 酸辣適中,我鍾意~~ (不過今晚咸左D)餐包 - 冇乜質感...輕飄飄~~**紐西蘭A級肉眼扒($93)** - 5成熟配黑椒汁,剛剛好! 容易切開,肉質"林"牛味重,根少膏少~~正!一來到淋汁後即時切開中間位,紅地既牛肉,唔太生又有肉汁留出,小小血水令件扒更有鮮感!~~**瑚碟型肉眼扒($92)**- 都係5成熟配黑椒汁,大大件抵食! 肉質算"林"但比較老左D,根少膏少!都係一來到淋汁後即時切開中間位,見到已有7~8成熟,熟左D冇咁林。總結:想食扒我會去花園餐廳~~ 繼續閱讀
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