港鐵康城站 C2 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (10)
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
08:30 - 22:00
08:30 - 22:00
*最後落單時間: 21:00
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食評 (11)
等級4 2024-10-24
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之前都有試過牧羊少年,見佢開咗新分店就去試吓餐廳裝修都好舒服,見到好似有戶外位置,秋冬都可以出去坐感受吓涼風 仲有一大個書架擺滿咗書可以俾你借嚟閱讀📚主食同意粉可以加錢變做套餐有小食飲品同埋雪糕,亦都有二人餐同埋四人餐可以選擇紅酒燴牛面肉配薯蓉及西蘭花$188 + $58 升級做一人套餐 配是拉差雞翼(3pcs)& 氣泡鳳梨 Lemonade +$18 由雪糕變蛋糕牛面肉真係好出色😳🤩肉質好腍,再配埋一啲好似牛筋嘅質地,非常之好食!薯蓉亦都非常之順滑,好香好好味雞翼炸得好脆,是拉差醬汁都好好味是日蛋糕係黑森林蛋糕,相比之下就有啲失色,普普通通金沙咸蛋黃鳳尾蝦意大利粉 $118每條意粉都掛滿咗鹹蛋黃味嘅醬汁,上面亦都有鹹蛋黃粉加強味道,有四隻蝦,係幾特別嘅fusion菜式牛油果莎莎墨西哥脆片 配 酸忌廉$68墨西哥脆片用咗即食已經有味粉嘅嗰種,配上大方嘅牛油果醬加酸忌廉,呢個菜式冇得輸🤩值得一讚嘅係佢小食真係有好多款式,有成四頁,真係好難揀🤣🤣見其他食評都差評服務,但我當日佢又未有咁樣嘅體驗,可能我時間比較早5:30pm左右去到,亦都唔使等位,不過食完就見到都幾多人喺門口等,建議大家可能搵日早少少先去試牧羊少年咖啡館 (The LOHAS康城) (將軍澳)將軍澳康城路1號The LOHAS康城4樓417號舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-10-24
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My friend and I recently visited the Alchemist Cafe and tried a few interesting dishes 😆. To start, we had nachos served with avocado salsa and sour cream 🥑. The nachos were crisp and paired well with the creamy avocado and tangy sour cream, making a nice, light snack to begin the meal 🙌🏻.For the mains, we ordered the avocado, mango, and chicken pizza 🍕, which was dressed with the thousand island sauce. The combination of avocado and mango added a fresh twist! The chicken was well-cooked and balanced the flavours reasonably well 👍🏻.The other main dish was salted egg yolk tiger prawns spaghetti 🦐. The sauce was rich and creamy, with the salted egg yolk giving the dish a unique flavour. The prawns were fresh and added a nice bite 😆.For dessert, the apple tart with rum raisin ice cream was a satisfying end to the meal 🥧🍨. The tart was warm and flaky, and the rum raisin ice cream added a pleasant depth to the sweetness of the apples 🍎. Overall, it was a flavourful meal with a few standout elements 🙂‍↕️. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-10-20
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Weekday 食lunch,等咗唔算好耐,坐吧枱,環境唔舒服,一開門外面啲風會吹入嚟,根本成個裝修design有bugs,侍應要不停開門閂門,坐吧枱嘅人都調位,因為會吹到好唔舒服。另外啲嘢好難食,食到中途我覺得肚痛😂咩玩法,係食物唔新鮮定污糟?同出面嘅牧羊少年完全唔同,完全唔值得幫襯,唔明點解要等咁耐位?唯一杯咖啡叫正常少少,間餐廳想營造chill嘅感覺,但完全唔係嗰回事,我諗個個都係幫襯一次冇下次。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-10-14
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This restaurant opened in Lohas Park only a few weeks ago so we tried it for the first time at lunchtime.  The food was excellent! We had the vegetarian brunch , even though neither of us are vegetarians, and a chicken salad and shared both dishes. The vegetarian brunch was especially delicious with eggs, mushrooms, avocado, pumpkin, tomato and yoghurt, and we'll order it again. The set meals also included pumpkin soup which was also lovely, although the staff forgot to serve it so we had to ask and it came with the main courses. Being a new restaurant, it is busy and we had to arrive early  just before 12 noon, to ensure we didn't need to queue. It was very good value for money at HKD 249 for 2 people including soup and drinks as part of the set meal.  Just what Lohas Park needs!  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-10-13
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食物已經唔係好食,侍應服務極之差。絕對唔係平時市區嘅牧羊少年。有一次,晚飯已經要你等60分鐘,叫飛時間1分鐘內跳六張,然後話你已經過咗五張。不予補飛。態度極為囂張,好似乞求施捨。然後入座不停每3分鐘行過嚟想收你份Menu驚死你阻住佢個位咁。雖然康城食飯好似施捨但係呢個體驗絕對係康城之中最差。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)