港鐵北角站 A4 出口, 步行約2分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:30
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食評 (20)
等級3 2024-09-30
337 瀏覽
依間川菜嘅menu寫明唔加味精佢地嘅酸菜魚食完的確冇口喝嘅感覺 有得揀辣/唔辣環境乾淨 有唔少卡位 地方都幾闊落酸菜魚湯麵 $82 🐟🍜魚片分量算多 好滑 夠厚身 唔會薄到冇魚味配菜有酸菜,芽菜,荀,蓮藕,仲有少少寬粉!麵似幼身上海麵湯底唔係重口味嘅酸湯 而係微酸清清地健康嘅感覺 一路食一路飲啲湯都唔覺油Lunch time仲包一杯飲品 有西洋菜蜜!辣到嘅方面我覺得其實算BB辣 只用面頭少少辣油同啲乾辣椒帶出辣味 推介俾唔食得太辣又想試酸菜魚嘅朋友👍🏻 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-07-12
442 瀏覽
基本上每兩個星期都會食一次,呢度啲酸菜魚好好食,最緊要係佢有好多唔同嘅選擇。無論係食酸辣/麻辣/胡椒豬肚/定係花膠雞,個個湯都各有特色,食極都唔厭。佢嘅米線同飯係分開上嘅,完全唔驚會浸林。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-25
683 瀏覽
Always have lunch here with my family..We ordered Braised Fish with Pickled Vegetables served with Rice, Stir Fried Chicken Fillets with Mixed Vegetables and Stir Fried Beef with Anaheim Pepper.For the Braised Fish, the fillets were firm and boneless. The dish comprisesd of enoki mushroom, potato noodles, lotus root and baby cabbage. Soaked in the tasty soup, the ingredients became savoury as well. For the Chicken Fillets with Mixed Vegetables, they were tender and smelled aromatic. However, the amount of chicken could be more generous. Personally, I liked how they stir fried the chicken fillets with bamboo shoots more than mixed vegetables. The sourness of the pickles made the fillets more appetising to have.The Beef with Anaheim Pepper tasted a bit chilly. The red and green pepper complemented the beef nicely, enhancing the spiciness of the beef..The portion of the dish were quite huge, so four of us only ordered three dishes to share. The price was economical as well..With comfortable seatings, the resto was neat and tidy. When you observed its walls, u could realise it was decorated with characters in Chinese style clothing. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-10-27
643 瀏覽
北角嘅海家出名既就係酸菜魚,今日口淡淡就過嚟食個lunch啦。午市嘅套餐都算抵食60零80零蚊就食到川菜客飯,今日就叫左個酸菜魚麵正常辣試下。酸菜魚既湯底絕對係靈魂所在,而呢個湯頭都算唔錯,但我就略嫌佢唔夠酸,而正常辣既水平亦都偏淡,如果下次再食應該要叫多酸中辣先得🤣。再講下魚片,夠滑既,而lunch來講,份量都算合理。至於配料數量都夠多,但就好似煮得唔夠淋唔夠索味。By the way, 整體都唔差,可以再嚟食嘅。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-02-01
1446 瀏覽
夜晚同朋友食飯,無意中發現呢間特色小店,見到招牌菜係酸菜魚,就決定入店一試😆竟然驚喜滿滿!二百幾蚊一大盆酸菜魚,配料超豐富,除咗有芽菜、薯仔、竹筍呢啲經典配菜,店家仲特別加入左薯粉同蓮藕,而魚片都好滑同無骨,同行加埋四個人,呢個分量,絕對夠食有餘😎😎😎同埋佢唔似普通嘅酸菜魚,佢比起普通酸菜魚有過之而無不及,而且辣嘅程度可以因人而異,有分微辣、小辣、大辣,加上店員服務態度好誠懇,真係好好!我返到屋企之後推薦晒比全部朋友,希望下次有機會可以再去😍 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)