港鐵九龍灣站 B 出口, 步行約13分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (1)
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金
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食評 (242)
等級2 2025-01-02
706 瀏覽
之前平日食過lunch覺得味道唔錯(泰奶/啡除外😅),份量唔少,喺德福黎講性價比高,所以今日除夕約左屋企人黎試下🇹🇭晚餐第一次試晚餐發現有好多套餐,花多眼亂,最後叫左set孖住泰(青咖喱雞髀+豬手煲+菠蘿雞粒炒飯)加配炒通菜&薄餅,再單點左黃咖喱炒軟殼蟹同泰式炒鮮蝦金邊粉,再另加野飲🤭四個人應該夠食啩(本我仲覺得有點叫太多,因為午餐大碟到食唔晒)點知晚餐好似變左第二間餐廳咁,味道同午餐差好遠,唔單止啲野好油,份量仲細左三分一,我仲聽到每一枱客都喺度催緊單,最過分係豬手煲入邊有啲芥蘭食落係有清潔劑味😵‍💫即刻同店員反映,佢表示可以換其他野比我地,我地揀換燒雞但佢表示燒雞賣晒,過10分鐘我見到廚房keep住有燒雞出…其實樓面都算唔錯,碟菜有問題都即刻表示可以換過俾我地,而廚房漏單亦都有keep住幫手追,唯一我諗到既藉口係可能除夕大廚/廚房比較多人放假,同埋食材唔夠要慳住用吧😅 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-12-15
763 瀏覽
德福平台都有好多餐廳,今次試吓呢間泰菜,去lunch Menu都有好多款式揀。叫咗呢個雞髀配冬陰功湯,雞髀炸得好香脆,外脆內嫩,冬陰功湯亦好香濃,同埋我最欣賞佢杯泰式奶茶,性價比高。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-12-12
428 瀏覽
Went here for dinner with my girlfriend today. The place looked empty so we were able to get a seat in a booth. Staff seemed disinterested in serving us and only gave us a menu when we asked for it twice.We order a pad thai and a chicken noodle in soup. The noodle soup came first. The pad thai followed soon after. However on my first mouthful I could taste a large amount of salt. I thought maybe this was just an unlucky first bite but as I continued to eat I found more and more lumps of salt that had not been mixed in well with the pad thai. I left most of the dish and we asked for the bill and thought I'd mention this to the staff so that the chef would not provide the same to future customers. When the staff came back with the bill she said the chef had not put salt in the dish and that I must be mistaken, looking at me as if I were not making sense to them. If the chef did actually say they had not used salt , I find that hard to believe and quite ridiculous. What was worse was the staff coming back to let me know I was wrong while looking at me as if I were stupid. If I could give zero stars rating to the staff I would.On reflection I now understand why there were so many empty tables during a dinner time, and that I'm really wasting energy in trying to give feedback to help their business when they'd rather insist that they are right. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-12-09
472 瀏覽
小店充滿泰國氣氛,店員穿著泰國風情服飾,餐廳播放著泰文歌曲,進入餐廳時,店員會用泰文招呼牆上掛左泰國元素的裝飾品,感受到濃厚異國情懷,氣氛幾好有下午茶餐,當然叫下午茶啦我當然揀最中意嘅海南雞飯啦,下午茶餐炒金邊粉係素,所以無揀~雞肉鮮嫩幾滑,加上醬料,可以食到一大碗飯~餐飲,我揀左泰式奶茶,茶香濃郁,甜度適中,奶香味濃,幾好飲整體而言,這家小店海南雞飯幾好食,泰式奶茶好飲,用餐體驗幾好,會再光顧~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-07-09
1203 瀏覽
舖頭唔大,waiters 3個多但得1個做野。想去食芒果糯米飯,份量唔大,但食到就算。拼盤不過不失但德福無泰菜,想食只此一家。但真係希望佢哋可以認真啲!希望可以將每一個餸做得好認真令每一個人有賓至如歸嘅感覺遠處是藍綠色的山,山巔雲霧繚繞,或露出白色的發麵紗。近處是蜿蜒流淌的小河,翠綠得如同另一片草地。 一排排只有兩三個人高的樹立在水邊,它們應是在照鏡子,因為那一頭從未修剪過的枝葉,就像女人特意燙成的蓬松髮型…… 許多人都說林芝是西藏的江南,從拉薩到林芝只需大半天時間。於是,我們收拾行裝就下江南去。 可能是心理作用,車子走了一兩個小時後便覺得胸口越來越輕鬆,因為聽說往林芝走的路海拔越來越低。 我的林芝游開始啓程了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)